Monday, July 12, 2010

The Pump.....

Hi again friends and fam!  So I had a PET CT scan today and they discovered some additional findings that we hope may lead to discovering the primary site of cancer.  However we're not sure this will ever happen but it's somewhat more hopeful!  My pain is decreasing and my doctor and I hope Chemo will help as well.  I start Chemo this Wed, I'm nervous to get a pump placed under my skin, the thought just makes me quiver.  I just keep reminding my-self that I'm not the first to get "the pump" placed. 

I've found my-self becoming more spirtual everyday, something about getting diagnosed with stage 4 cancer really draws you closer to the lord. ;)  I'm planning to take out my endowments through the LDS temple soon, I'm excited!
So a lot of people have donated money to my facebook WellsFargo bank account!  I can't even believe how many people have actually posted money, I'm so touched!  I have received both small and large donations, and every donation touches me... so I thank you!  If there's any chance you could send me a text or e-mail letting me know your name, I would very much love to thank you personally.  The money will really help pay my medical bills.  I hope you are all well... and wish you good health.  Sleep tight and tell your family you love them. 

Love you!


  1. Thank you for the post sis...I love you so much! I miss you so much, It just breaks my heart that I can't be with you every day. There is not a day go by that I don't think about you. Just know that if I could be there to hold your hand through all of this I would! Love, Big sis

  2. This is form Mom....I love you Sarah, more then anything. I never ever stop thinking of you and wish I could take your place. Love, Mom Please call me the minute you need me, I will be there!

  3. Such a tough girl you are. Miss you and can't wait to see you! Even the sunny beach comes in second when I have a chance to spend a night laughing with my girls. Love you!

  4. Thanks for the update Sarah. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I know that you'll do well, you are the strongest woman I know. Let me know if you need ANYTHING! Love you,
    Jenn B.

  5. Still following you Sarah! You have so many people that consider you a friend and are willing to do whatever we can in our power to help you! Continue to keep that ray of light in your eyes and your beaming smile because attitude is EVERYTHING! You have it in you to put up one h***of a fight. Don't back down! That's awesome about your endowments! :)

  6. I wish that I could be at the Temple with you. Keep got this...

  7. Sarah, you are amazing! And you are sooo beautiful too! This picture is great of you. I have so many questions and I know that you don't have time to answer everyone, but I want your "blogee" or perhaps YOU sometime to tell us who your bloggee is? Also, is this picture of you with your boyfriend? He's handsome. I wish I knew all the updates and goings on in your life right now besides cancer. I just miss you to death!!! Wish we could have stayed in touch better. YOu will always be a good friend to me though! I'm always thinking of you and pray for you always! Congrats on your decision to go through the temple. It's so great! Also, does your Mom live out of the state or something? K those are things I want someone to mention in an upcoming blog. =D Ha ha! Thanks!!! Love you!!! Glad you are feeling (pain wise) a lot better! Oh, and your spirit is extremely inspiring!!!
